Monday 29 September 2014

Week 4 : The Title

To present the suitable title. 

After doing some research on my final year project, I have decided the project which is:- 

"Development of Thermoelectric Device Charger

The brief introductory: 
Thermoelectric Device Charger is generating an electricity by using any kind of wasted heat as a supply. The concept that applied in this project is Seebeck effect that directly converts heat energy to electricity to charge a device. Thermoelectric Device Charger describes a device charger, which is powered by thermoelectric generator (TEG) power modules. In processing the output, the application of dc-dc booster and votage regulator is applied. The output product is a 5V, 100 mA at the USB socket. 

My FYP supervisor Sir Nor Azman Bin Othman from the Electrical Section (Academic Affair), Ground floor of the Administration Building of UniKL British Malaysian Institute (BMI) has agreed with title and I can now proceed further with my project.

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