Wednesday 5 November 2014

Week 8 : The Presentation Briefing

Attend for project proposal presentation briefing and take some important note.

Today, I attend third fyp briefing at TTL hall. This briefing about the proposal presentation. The Speaker explained briefly and discussion about project proposal presentation. After the discussion and some advices, I manage to complete slide presentation as the following format:

2.Problem Statement
4.Content of Presentation (including previous work, project methodology, materials and budget)
5.Progress of project (the operation, block diagram, flow chart, gantt chart, expected results and analysis)
6.The conclusion.

There is some important elements i should aware during the presentation:

1. Ability to handle questions.
2. The suitability of media chosen.
3.The interpersonal ability and communication skill.
4. Organization of presentation and time keeping.

The briefing on presentaion is a great help for my presentation. I can prepare well and better to achieve satisfied mark on the presentation day.

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