Monday 29 September 2014

Week 4 : The Title

To present the suitable title. 

After doing some research on my final year project, I have decided the project which is:- 

"Development of Thermoelectric Device Charger

The brief introductory: 
Thermoelectric Device Charger is generating an electricity by using any kind of wasted heat as a supply. The concept that applied in this project is Seebeck effect that directly converts heat energy to electricity to charge a device. Thermoelectric Device Charger describes a device charger, which is powered by thermoelectric generator (TEG) power modules. In processing the output, the application of dc-dc booster and votage regulator is applied. The output product is a 5V, 100 mA at the USB socket. 

My FYP supervisor Sir Nor Azman Bin Othman from the Electrical Section (Academic Affair), Ground floor of the Administration Building of UniKL British Malaysian Institute (BMI) has agreed with title and I can now proceed further with my project.

Monday 22 September 2014

Week 3 : The Supervisor

To find and register a supervisor whom can asses on my project. 

Today, I scouted for a lecturer to be my supervisor for my Final year Project, preferably from the Electrical Section. Few of the preferable lecturers are unavailable to be my supervisor because the they had reached the allocated number of students for each lecturer. Luckily, Sir Nor Azman Bin Othman is available and he agree to be my supervisor if i had a title on my FYP. 

Sir Nor Azman requested me to find a title with a synopsis and discuss my ideas before Wednesday of week 4. 

Sir Nor Azman have officially become my supervisor if i have a title. Until then, I have to make a lot of research and present a few good titles to him.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Week 2 : The Briefing

To attend 1st FYP briefing and take the important note from the briefing 

The first briefing from UniKL BMI FYP coordinator was held on Wednesday of this week. I have taken the important notes from the briefing listed as follow: 
1. Find supervisor:
Each candidate must find their supervisor by their own. This supervisor will guide candidate along the progress of project, contribute in project marking and any discussion regarding the project.
2. Project title registration:
Project title should be registered to the fyp site ( through supervisor last by the end of week 4. 
3. Assessment scheme:
Assessment due date and marking scheme was divided into 3 part.
1) Logbook/blog = 30% (ON WEEK 14)
2) Presentation = 35% (ON WEEK 10)
3) Final project report = 35% (ON WEEK 14) 

In conclusion, i must find the supervisor for my FYP and registered my project at FYP website by before end of week 4


Saturday 13 September 2014

Week 1 : Find the project

To find suitable, realistic and affordable project for FYP

This is the beginning of my progress for final year project(FYP). As the first week of second semester 2014 started, i am officially the registered candidate for final year project 1 UniKL BMI. At this stage, i do some research on the internet or web which project is suitable, realistic and affordable for my FYP. My project is focusing on renewable energy.

In conclusion that i found out several types of project:
  1. Smartphone Charger Powered by Fire 
  2. USB Solar Charger 
  3. Electricity from walking 
