Thursday 7 May 2015

Week 13 : Testing and Troubleshooting

Testing of functional "Thermoelectric Devices Charger" and troubleshooting when problem occur.

As the prototype have been completely constructed, there is need to testing and verify that the system is surely able to supply low powered devices through "Thermoelectric Devices Charger" .For testing purpose, the smartphone and power bank was used. it is successfully work for charging purpose as shown in figure below.
Figure 14: Ice used for the best output of "Thermoelectric Devices Charger"

Figure 15: Heat source from the candle to hot side of "Thermoelectric Devices Charger"

Figure 16: Measuring output thermoelectric and output "Thermoelectric Devices Charger"

 Figure 17: Result of "Thermoelectric Devices Charger"

Due to testing and troubleshooting of prototype, all data has been recorded in a graph. In graph shown below is the graph when ice used to steel container (cold side of thermoelectric) and candle (as heat source as hot side).
 Figure 18: Recorded result of "Thermoelectric Devices Charger"

The prototype is successfully function based on objective requirement development of "Thermoelectric Devices Charger"

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