Friday 17 October 2014

Week 6 : The Block Diagram

Identify overall system of the project 


After done several research on the system of wireless power transfer, i manage to create the block diagram that will shows the flow and progress of the system. Below is the block diagram created: 

Figure 1: Block Diagram for Thermoelectric Device Charger

  • The thermoelectric module will applied the heat to convert into electricity
  • The heat will be dissipated to the heat sink and created different temperature at thermoelectric module 
  • The DC-DC booster will step up the electricity from the output of thermoelectric module
  • To give a constant voltage 5V at the output, a voltage regulator are applied after DC-DC booster circuit.
  • The USB port is applied after the circuitry. Function of USB port is to connect between the circuitry and the load  
  • Load for the Thermoelectric Device Charger is preferable on smartphone or any electronic device which need 5V as an input voltage
  • To give a constant different temperature on cold side of thermoelectric module, a cooling fan is applied together with heat sink which powered by thermoelectric module itself

As to successfully design the project i need to get deep and further knowledge about the block diagram as created above.

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