Wednesday 17 December 2014

Week 14 : The Submission

To finish and submit the proposal report and blog to the supervisor.
This is the last week for me to finish up my proposal report and blog because this week is the submission date. The last day to submit is on Friday. This week I need finish up the small parts in the report. The sections left are the
  • Abstract
  • Table of Content
  • Conclusion
  • Formatting the report
By Friday,19/12/2014, I should have submitted my proposal report and this blog. Though this maybe the end of FYP I course, but a much harder and difficult course of FYP II is waiting next semester. I should continue my research on the Thermoelectric Device Charger.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Week 13 : The Proposal Report Part II

Finalize the project proposal before the due date.


This week I need to finalize my proposal report and the blog. The proposal report is almost 80% finished. But, this week I am a little bit busy with other reports I have only a little time to work on the proposal report. Fortunately, the proposal report is due next week.  

The project proposal is finalize to complete.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Week 12 : Total Project Budget

To estimate overall project budget

All the components needed in this project are sold separately. I took the liberty to survey the price of each components available in electronic shops in Kuala Lumpur. Only the thermoelectric generator (TEG) that I buy from website After days of research, I have enlist the components and instrument. Below is the table of budget:

Table 1: Total estimation budget for this project

The total budget of this project is quite expensive. In order to complete the project, the budget above is relevant. 
